Canada OAS Increase in September 2024: Check Payment Date & Eligibility

The Canadian government offers a variety of retirement benefits to support its senior citizens, with the Old Age Security (OAS) program being a central component. Administered by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), the OAS program provides monthly payments to Canadians who are 65 years or older. As living costs continue to rise, the government periodically adjusts these payments to help retirees manage their expenses. This article provides an in-depth look at the anticipated Canada OAS Increase in September 2024, including payment dates, eligibility criteria, and other pertinent information.

Overview of Canada OAS Increase in September 2024

The OAS program is a crucial support system for senior citizens who have spent their lives contributing to the country. For many retirees, the OAS payments are a vital source of income, helping cover essential costs such as groceries, utilities, and housing. Although the monthly OAS benefits may not be large, they play a critical role in ensuring seniors have a basic standard of living.

The amount of the Canada OAS Benefit will remain at its current level for September 2024. However, the September 2024 Canada OAS Increase will not be reflected in the September payments. Instead, the increased amount will become effective starting in October 2024. The specific details of the increased amount will be announced officially after the September 2024 payments are processed.

OAS Payment Amounts (July to September 2024)

Age GroupMaximum Monthly PaymentBeneficiaries’ Annual Net World Income (2023)
65 to 74$718.33Less than $142,609
75 and Over$790.16Less than $148,179

This table illustrates the maximum monthly payment amounts for OAS beneficiaries from July to September 2024 and the income limits for eligibility. Understanding these figures helps beneficiaries gauge how changes might affect their monthly income.

Canada OAS Increase in September 2024: Payment Adjustment Process

The CRA conducts reviews of OAS payment amounts four times a year: in January, April, July, and October. These reviews adjust the payment amounts based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which reflects changes in the cost of living. This process ensures that the OAS payments remain aligned with current economic conditions.

Key Points:

  • Frequency of Reviews: Adjustments are made quarterly to reflect cost of living changes.
  • Impact of Adjustments: Payments are adjusted upwards in response to inflation and increased living costs, but beneficiaries will not see a reduction in their payments.

For the Canada OAS Increase in September 2024, the new payment amounts will be officially updated in October. The payment figures for September will remain unchanged from previous months, allowing beneficiaries to plan accordingly. The table provided earlier outlines the OAS amounts applicable from July to September 2024, giving a clear picture of the current benefit levels.

Eligibility Criteria for Canada OAS Increase in September 2024

To qualify for the Canada OAS Increase in September 2024, applicants must meet specific eligibility criteria. These criteria vary depending on whether the applicant resides in Canada or abroad.

For People Living Outside Canada

  1. Residency Requirement:
    • Must have been a resident of Canada for at least 20 years after reaching the age of 18.
    • This ensures that individuals who have spent a significant portion of their lives in Canada are eligible for OAS benefits.
  2. Citizenship Status:
    • Must be a Canadian citizen or a legal resident of Canada on the day before leaving the country.
    • This condition helps maintain the integrity of the program by ensuring that only those with a strong connection to Canada benefit from the OAS.
  3. Age Requirement:
    • Must be at least 65 years old.
    • This age requirement aligns with the eligibility criteria for receiving OAS payments.

Canadians Working Outside Canada for Canadian Employers

  1. Return Requirement:
    • Must return to Canada within six months of completing employment abroad.
    • This stipulation is designed to ensure that individuals who work for Canadian employers outside the country return to Canada promptly to continue receiving benefits.
  2. Residency While Abroad:
    • Must have been 65 years old while still employed and maintained a residence in Canada during the time spent outside the country.
    • This condition ensures that individuals remain connected to Canada even while working abroad.

For People Living in Canada

Age Requirement:

  • Must be at least 65 years old.
  • The minimum age for OAS benefits is set to ensure that payments are targeted at seniors.

Citizenship or Residency:

  • Must be a Canadian citizen or a legal resident at the time the OAS pension application is officially accepted.
  • This requirement helps confirm that only eligible individuals receive the benefits.

Residency Duration:

  • Must have resided in Canada for a minimum of 10 years after age 18.
  • This condition ensures that applicants have a substantial connection to Canada before qualifying for OAS benefits.


The Canada OAS Increase in September 2024 represents a significant adjustment to address the rising cost of living. While the current OAS benefit amounts will remain the same until October 2024, the increase will support retirees who rely on these payments to meet their daily needs.

By staying informed about the Canada OAS Increase in September 2024 and understanding the eligibility criteria, beneficiaries can better manage their finances and plan for the upcoming adjustments. This increase underscores the government’s commitment to supporting senior citizens and ensuring they can maintain a basic standard of living despite economic changes.


What is the Canada OAS Increase in September 2024?

The Canada OAS Increase in September 2024 refers to the adjustment in Old Age Security (OAS) payments that will take effect starting October 2024. While the amount remains unchanged for September, the increase will be officially announced and implemented from October onward. This adjustment is designed to help seniors manage rising living costs.

When will the Canada OAS Increase be reflected in payments?

The Canada OAS Increase in September 2024 will not be reflected in the September payments. Instead, the increased amounts will be effective from October 2024. The specific details of the increased payment amounts will be officially announced after the September 2024 payments are processed.

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