7 Classic American Foods Only People Born Before 2000 Will Remember

TV Dinners

Popular in the 1950s and 60s, these prepackaged meals were the go-to for busy families. Pop them in the oven, and voilà—a full meal!

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Jell-O Molds

Who could forget the brightly colored gelatin desserts with bits of fruit? A party favorite, especially in the 70s and 80s.

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This canned meat was a wartime staple that remained popular well into the 90s. Fry it up, and you had a quick, salty snack.

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The "orange juice" of astronauts! Tang was all the rage in the 60s and 70s, especially after NASA endorsed it.

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Pop Rocks

The iconic candy that popped in your mouth! First launched in the 70s, Pop Rocks became a fun and fizzy sensation for kids.

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Hi-C Ecto Cooler

This green, citrusy drink from the 80s was tied to Ghostbusters. If you had this in your lunchbox, you were the coolest kid in school.

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McDonald’s Pizza

Yes, McDonald’s had pizza in the 80s and 90s! It didn’t last long, but those who tried it still remember this fast-food oddity.

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